In January 2014, in partnership with Guide Dogs for the Blind, we launched our commitment to raise £50,000 to cover the lifetime training and care cost for a guide dog for the blind or partially sighted people.


Behind every charity project there are unique people with unique stories.  Before reaching out to Guide Dogs, we were exploring new ways to improve people’s lives that could bring about tangible results. Through Guide Dogs for the Blind, Business Development Manager, Angela Rickman and Volunteer, Jackie Hayler, along with their colleagues, have been generously donating their time and resources to build something that could have a high social impact for individuals who have had different life opportunities.


We saw Guide Dogs as “common heroes”, able to trigger and implement change for people with a vision impairment and their generosity and dedication inspired us to make this ambitious pledge.


In the last four years, our people have been committed to help us achieve our goal.  The common thread beyond our pledge has been the variety of activities undertaken by our teams to make this possible. By donating their personal time and talents, Portico people have been making contributions in their daily lives in the most diverse and creative ways.


We are proud to say that everyone at Portico has poured a great wealth of energy to leave a legacy for a good cause that has also once more showed how close-knit the Portico family is.   It is thanks to an overwhelming wave of generosity from our people, that today we are happy to announce that we have delivered our promise!


This has also been possible thanks to the amazing support from Guide Dogs for the Blind: their inspiring vision throughout our journey has been key to us finally reaching our target. Whilst attending all of our events, they have offered us their guidance and knowledge to ensure we reach our target.


Needless to say, we are excited to meet our Portico Puppy and take part in the naming ceremony during our annual Portico People Awards in November!