Portico ESG strategy, “Second Nature”, is built around four pillars, the expanded strategy will guide our direction of travel over the next three years in continuing to provide a positive workspace for our people, a welcoming space for guests, and a flourishing partnership with our clients, all while minimising our impact on the environment. So, what are the pillars – and how are we tracking against them?


This is an environment-focused pillar, covering critical aspects such as the impact from goods and services, energy saving and recycling, to reduce the company’s effect on climate and nature. Under this pillar, we have created Portico L&D module to train employees on energy efficiency and recycling in the office through online training, backed by a ‘Second Nature’ best practice guide, supported by training modules, and reinforced by onsite mystery shops.

In 2024, we will build on this success by embedding a Cycle to Work scheme, as well as working to a target to reduce commuter travel with hybrid working practices for support functions, with the overarching target to achieve net zero across the entire value chain by 2040 compared with a baseline of 2019.

Our Managing Director Paul Jackson, stressed, “This is the start of an exciting journey as we embed our three-year strategy into our culture, for it to become ‘second nature’ across our Portico family.”

Follow our page to stay up to date with our Second Nature ESG pillars!