At the beginning of lockdown we introduced our people to Portico:Connect, a weekly email to our people’s personal email address with Portico updates, actives and initiatives as well as digital events and wellbeing focuses.

Our Portico:Connect has been integral at keeping us connected with our people throughout lockdown and whilst they remain at home. As we approach October, we have now sent over 50 Portico:Connect’s, held endless competitions, raised almost £1,000 for charity, plus received remarkable feedback from our people and clients alike.

Now, as the furlough scheme ends and our people return back to the workplace this November, we are moving away from our beloved Portico:Connect and introducing our people to our new Heartbeat app!

We have used the past six months to invest the time in designing an app to become the future hub for all our Portico information. Our Heartbeat app is our new, user friendly home for all of our communication, events, information, forums, benefits, news, wellbeing and links to our wider systems. It will become the home of people’s socials and allow freedom to create events and forums. Think Instagram meets Facebook plus add in a knowledgebase for “life at Portico”.

We are extremely excited for this shift in the way we deliver all things Portico to our people!