It has been excellent to hear so many stories from our clients and our Portico people doing absolutely everything in their power to create some good during this ever-changing pandemic. From on-site food banks, marathon challenges at home, community voluntarily work along with endless donations, it’s been fantastic to see how Portico has helped where possible during lockdown.

Here are just a few examples of the amazing activities and events our people coordinated to help those in need:

Mount Everest Step Challenge

One of our teams took on the expedition of a lifetime, walking to distance of Mount Everest. The group step challenge was to help raise awareness for our chosen charity Veterans with Dogs, and help Portico reach our £30,000 target. The team collectively walked a whopping 636,895 steps, either around site or in the great outdoors to reach their target. We are pleased to announce they collectively raised over £500 for Veterans with Dogs by doing so!


Another Portico team have been trailblazers when it comes to innovative ideas to help their communities during lockdown. #GreenHeroes is their collective name for the activities they have done focused around the environment to raise money for Veterans with Dogs. They launched a litter picking campaign to contribute to cleaning their neighbourhoods and parks!

In the first couple of weeks the team raised over £200 as well as tided up their communities!

Foodbank Heroes

In March 2020, as the Covid-19 pandemic forced the doors of the one of our client offices, our client came up with the idea to repurpose their Conference Centre as a new food distribution center in Edinburgh for businesses to donate any non-perishable food and hygiene products they could spare.

When our client informed us of this initiative, we were more than thrilled to help. Our Portico people where all hands-on deck, day and night, offering support with desk services and arrivals of goods from 7am – 7pm, 7 days a week, whilst processes and procedures where put in place. They also assisted with control stock items and deliveries.