Here at Portico, we’re continually trying to make life better for our employees and our customers. From our Mental Health Training to our celebrated ‘one size fits one’ approach, we’re always looking for ways to improve our contribution.


That’s why we’ve recently become proud members of the Business Disability Forum (BDF), a not-for-profit organisation that aims to provide better opportunities for disabled customers and employees.


In light of the fact that 50% of disabled people are unemployed yet able to work, BDF’s main objective is to build ‘disability smart’ companies. This means making businesses fully accessible to disabled staff and clients, while training employees to better understand and appreciate the needs of those with disabilities.


As the first Front of House Services company to become a BDF member, we’re dedicated to widening our pool of candidates for roles within Portico, meaning we’ll reach out to a more diverse group of talented people. We’re also looking into additional disability training courses for our staff.


With support from the Business Disability Forum, we’re aiming to:


– Truly understand the nature of how disabilities affect 21% of the UK population, from our candidates, employees, customers and suppliers to the wider community we work within.


– Remove as many obstacles as we can from the path of those with disabilities. For example, we’re in the process of adapting our website to make it easier for those with dyslexia and visual impairments.


– Not assume what a person is and isn’t able to do as a result of their condition. We will always be led by the individual and their own experience and abilities.


– To view our level of success in business in light of how ‘disability smart’ we are.


By setting out and working towards these objectives, here at Portico we will improve the mental health and wellbeing of our employees, attract a more diverse group of people, enhance customer experience and help everyone to be their best.


More about what the Business Disability Forum does


With more than 20 years’ experience of working alongside prominent organisations, the Business Disability Forum has been instrumental in improving the lives of disabled people within the UK. The not-for-profit helped to bring about the Disability Discrimination Act in 1995, which laid out the duties of employers to make meaningful adjustments to help those with disabilities.


The BDF continues to work alongside the government to continually improve legislation, as well as regularly campaigning to raise awareness of issues surrounding physical and mental health.


Through their work with member companies like Portico, the Business Disability Forum shares the expert knowledge they’ve gained over 20 years, offering advice when needed and providing extra support. They also facilitate training and networking opportunities to aid employees and employers alike, helping to teach new skills and improve understanding.


First and foremost, the BDF aims to spread the knowledge that treating disabled people fairly and equally is vital to creating a successful business that contributes meaningfully to society.


Find out more about what we do at Portico.