In our latest Portico People Blog Series, we sat down with Charlotte Christou, our Operations Manager, where we talked about her new role at Portico, our service signatures, and ambitions for her team.

Tell us about your new roles.
As operations manager, it’s my role to lead and nurture my onsite teams to ensure the culture and service standard represents Portico and our promise to our clients, aligning with our values and visions. In the background I’m always working on the business development, finances and other general admin.

What is your ambition for your teams for Portico?
I want my teams to love what they do, be the best version of themselves and progress professionally and personally in whichever avenue they have ambitions for.

What makes a Portico person stand out/what is a Portico service signature?
You can always tell a Portico person by their attitude and smile. All of our people love what they do and who they do it for; this shines through in their service and attitude at work.

What is your ambition for the company?
I’d love to see the company continue to grow, to progress ourselves and our people and achieve the goals which we have set out for the year. 2023 is really exciting and Portico will become bigger and better!

What is your immediate plan and what are your deliverables for the first 3 months?
Already, I am committed to being onsite and meeting my new team members and clients. I want to get to know them and their businesses individually and it’s important to analyse where we are at now and how we can improve. I have two new contracts which I am currently mobilising and recruiting for – it’s a busy first three months!

Do you prefer telephone calls or an email?
Having a background in retail and customer service means I will always prefer telephone calls… I’ve just always worked around people on the frontline. I think it is more personal and it’s always nice to hear someone’s voice and have a good chat.

What is your favourite London sight?
You can’t beat London at Christmas! I love walking around and exploring the Christmas markets on The Strand or looking over the water at London Bridge.

Your favourite drink.
I have a sweet tooth and do not drink tea or coffee (I know!). I love a good hot chocolate or coca cola.

Tell us about your favourite holiday.
For brownie points I have to say last year when I went to Rome – and my partner proposed!