In November we completed our Annual People Survey and asked our people to share with us what they think about life at Portico, how we fair as an employer and understand a little more about what’s important to them. The results were impressive with a story of growth and improvement on previous years.  We were delighted with the feedback which we use to help us grow and keep striving to be better.


Our People Survey captured thoughts and feelings across six categories.  To track our growth, we took a look back at the results from 2017.  We are delighted to see improvement across all areas with some clear winners around teamwork, training and engagement.


So what did we ask our people:


Our Communication

Communication for any business is essential.  This section looks at how we communicate with our people but also how our teams come together and how their line manager shares information. 74% of our people strongly agree that we communicate well, a growth of 4% on 2017.


Team & Engagement

Working as ‘one team’ with our colleagues is the foundation of achieving great teamwork and success.  Here we asked questions about team morale, goals and objectives and networking within Portico. 86% of our people strongly agree that we have great teamwork, a growth of 17% on 2017.


Your Line Manager

We wanted to understand through these questions if our line Managers build a positive culture, recognise and reward achievements and take care of our people and the team.  83% of our people strongly agree that their Line Manager delivers these objectives, a growth of 7% on 2017.


Learning & Development

One of our biggest objectives in Portico is to make sure our people grow – personally and professionally.  We thrive on succession planning and internal promotions .  Within this section we asked how our people feel about our development programmes and what training they have attended. 92% of our people feel that our L&D agenda is fantastic, a growth of 13% on 2017.


Engagement & Wellbeing

We want all our people to enjoy coming to work.  This section explores the pride our people have working at Portico and their opinion on how well we take care of their wellbeing and how diverse and open we are as an employer.  90% of our people strongly agree that we are a caring employer, a growth of 13% on 2017.


New Starters

Finally, making a great first impression is so important to us in our client service.  This is just as important with our new talent who join our team.  Here we asked our 150+ new joiners to tell us about their onboarding experience and how they integrated into Portico and felt part of the team. 85% of our new starters strongly agree that we delivered a positive welcome experience, a growth of 6% on 2017.



Our Top Three Highlights:


Within this section we explore the top three achievements. For us, the following results truly represent who we are and what we are trying to achieve.  This data tells us that our people believe in Portico, that we are a diverse employer, we take care of their wellbeing, and we encourage and build a culture of teamwork throughout our business.


99% of our people understand their role in delivering Portico’s vision &values


96% of our people believe that Portico is dedicated to diversity & inclusion


94% of our people feel that their team work well together and have fun


Next Steps & 2019 Actions


Our 2019 People Survey takes place in September and we are excited to get started on improvements between now and then.  We will have some “temperature checks” throughout the year to ensure that appropriate action is being taken and that we keep the promises we make to our people!