Every year on 10th March, National Telephonists’ Day recognizes the hard work and dedication of telephonists, call service agents, and receptionists who are often the first point of contact between a company and its clients. They play a crucial role in maintaining the reputation of a business by providing exceptional customer service and leaving a lasting impression on the clients.

In celebration of this day, we spoke with two Portico team members from the City, Priscilla Silva and Adrian Sanchez Rivero, who work in guest services and front-of-house. They shared their experiences, tips, and stories on what it takes to be an excellent telephonist and how they have helped clients in their roles.

Priscilla Silva – Call Services Agent

Priscilla Silva has been a call services agent at City bank offices for over five years. She shares how her job has helped her grow personally and professionally.

Adrian Sanchez Rivero – Welcome Host

Adrian Sanchez Rivero has been a Welcome Host for eight months.
He believes that being himself and passionate about his work is key to providing excellent customer service.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself and when you joined Portico.

Priscilla: “I joined Portico a little over 5 years ago and it has been an amazing experience. I have grown so much over the course of 5 years through the trainings and workshops offered. I have always loved working in Customer Service, however, thanks to Portico I was able to feel confident and use their tools to provide the best service I possibly can. I appreciate the fact I can be myself and add my own personal touch to my day-to-day tasks.”

Adrian: “I am a very extroverted guy, and I love to talk (sometimes I forget to turn the talking switch off). Working in guest services as front-of-house allows me to be myself as I am constantly speaking to clients and communicating with colleagues. I joined Portico nearly 8 months ago and since then it has been a fantastic adventure.”

2. Do you take a lot of calls each day? How many? What are your key tips for doing a great job?

Priscilla: “ Definitely. Working in the advance booking office the phone is non-stop most times, and I love the fact that each call can be completely different than the first. My personal tip is to always answer the phone excited and curious about what the request is going to be. It makes the call an interaction rather than just a phone call, and customizing the service makes it more personable and professional. Doing a great job comes mainly from enjoying what you do, it comes naturally when you take pride in doing your absolute best for your client.”

Adrian: “Our phones are usually on fire! We often communicate with colleagues and clients by phone as well as being part of a concierge reception team. . It is fun because you never get a quiet moment, as we receive plenty of calls throughout the day as well as visitors coming in. I love the fact that by just being myself I can do a great job. All it takes is being passionate and always trying to go the extra mile. However, I do believe one of the most important keys for doing a great job is to tailor the service depending on the guest, as each individual is different.”

3. Do you have any stories to tell of how you helped a customer?

Priscilla: “One of my favourite ones is related to London weather, it isn’t a 5-star example but sometimes it can be the small touches that mean a lot. The attendees coming to our offices are often based overseas and from time to time they ask how’s the weather is going to be and what they can expect. Before I start my day, I try to get the updated forecast for the week in case I’m asked. Unfortunately, lately it’s grey and raining however soon I will be able to advise them to pack some lighter attire as spring is coming!”

Adrian: “We had an employee preparing for a very important meeting, she was under a lot of pressure. I helped her with the technical issues she was experiencing whilst she continued to prepare her presentation. I believe I helpemy positivity helped, as she appeared to relax a little. Once the issues were fixed, I recommended moving the meeting to a more reliable room to avoid further technical issues, and she was extremely grateful. It feels good when you help someone, and they appreciate your work.”

4. Would you recommend a job in guest services? Why?

Priscilla: “Absolutely, working in the customer service industry brings me great joy. No day is ever the same, you get to bring happiness to people and interact with so many different personalities. I love my job!”

Adrian: “Absolutely yes! Working in any guest services job brings you the opportunity to meet a range of different people from all around the world. If you like to talk and feel comfortable meeting people, this is a great job for you. In guest services, you are constantly in touch with people, and it is a great way to master your communication skills. On top of that, it is so much fun!”

We are thrilled that the National Telephonists’ Day serves as a reminder of the critical role that telephonists, call service agents, and receptionists play in upholding a company’s image. It’s an occasion to acknowledge and express gratitude for their efforts in providing top-notch customer service. Thank you, Portico team!