Continuing our project to showcase and celebrate Portico’s wide range of roles, we recently heard from London and South Welcome Services Lead, Toni Cuschieri.  She shares with us her top tips for a successful career in guest services.

‘What a varied career I’ve had; from the world of global procurement within investment banking to joining the customer service industry at a Premier League Football Club at which point my journey with Portico kicked off (pardon the pun!).

Is this clear this is Portico, the organisation within which I find myself was a revelation – supportive, caring, and developmental. All traits a significant number of corporations endeavour to achieve.

Rather than talk about my journey I thought I’d take the opportunity to, for those looking to make the most of the amazing platform that is Portico, provide some #toptips in guest services, ensuring you achieve all you can and want from this part of your own career journey:

1. COMMUNICATION – How do the most successful teams work? Effective communication is key. Openly communicate with your team, participate in team meetings and talks, and ask questions. It’s how we all develop as a team and avoid mistakes. Stay connected!

2. PUSH YOUR BOUNDARIES – This is always scary of course, but if you don’t try you never know. Feeling uncomfortable is the best way to learn what you’re capable of. Offer to try new things: join that focus group, offer to present, and just keep pushing your boundaries. Believe in your abilities and you’ll grow as a result.

3. MINDSET MATTERS –We are the creators of our own experiences and development, and when our intentions and outlook are positive then, we either succeed as a result of determination OR we bounce back quicker and refocus.

4. SELF-REFLECTION – At the end of each day always take the time to consider “how could I have dealt with that situation more positively?” We should always strive to improve ourselves and take the time to self-reflect for personal growth. Remember, we are constantly learning and evolving.

5. EMPATHY MATTERS – We are all part of a team and we don’t all have to be trained mental health first-aiders to support our colleagues. Being part of this amazing group of people means we support each other and uplift each other to achieve all the above. #Bekind

“It’s the journey, not just the destination, that shapes us into the professionals we aspire to be”.

So, make the most of those career discussions with your managers, shout out about yourself during your next performance review, and ask about further training and development…the opportunities are endless and exciting for you all!’